14 September 2010

peanut butter

I love, love peanut butter!
but over here it is an almost luxury item and expensive so I make my own. it is very simple and easy and it comes to about 1/4 of the price I would normally pay for a store bought. I like it plain with nothing sweet added, I find it it not necessary and make it like this ...

place the shelled plain roasted peanuts in a heavy duty blender (I use one like this, for small batches it is perfect and easy to clean) and a pinch of sea salt. blend until smooth to your taste. if necessary add a little bit of peanut oil and blend again. for a crunchy version just mix some more peanuts that have been broken into pieces previously. refrigerate and enjoy!

happy tuesday! :) .p
*manteiga de amendoim*

colocar os amendoins torrados e descascados no "1,2,3" (ou semelhante!) com uma pitada de sal marinho (há quem goste de misturar açúcar ou mel, como as comercialmente disponíveis mas eu não acho necessário) e triturar até obter a consistência desejada. se necessário juntar um pouco de óleo de amendoim e misturar novamente. para manteiga de amendoim crocante misturar uns amendoins previamente partidos. refrigerar ... é óptimo em torradas! ; )