green stars
in between sanding porcelain pieces and waiting for the kiln to cool down I bake cakes :)
the watercress loaf recipe was given to me by lovely Nat ... obrigada!*
☆ watercress loaf ☆
✩ 100gr fresh watercress, washed and large stalks removed
✩ 1/2 cup sunflower oil
✩ 4 large eggs
✩ 2 cups plain flour
✩ 1 tsp baking powder
✩ 2 cups sugar
✩ preheat the oven to 180ºC (356ºF)
✩ oil and flour a 9x5x3in (23x13x8cm) loaf pan
✩ in a food processor whiz the watercress, oil and eggs
✩ into a large bowl sieve flour and baking powder and add sugar. mix well
✩ add into the flour mixture the watercress mix and beat well
✩ put the mixture into the prepared pan and goes in the oven for about 1 hour or until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean
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entre lixar peças de porcelana e esperar pelo forno arrefecer vou fazendo bolos :)
a receita de bolo de agrião foi-me dada pela querida Nat ... obrigada!*
☆ bolo de agrião☆
✩ 100gr de agrião lavado
✩ 1/2 chávena de óleo
✩ 4 ovos grandes
✩ 2 chávenas de farinha
✩ 1 colher de chá de fermento em pó
✩ 2 chávenas de açúcar
✩ aquecer o forno a 180ºC
✩ olear e polvilhar de farinha uma forma rectangular 23x13x8cm
✩ na liquidificadora triturar os agriões com o óleo e os ovos
✩ misturar o açúcar, a farinha e o fermento
✩ vai ao forno cerca de 1 hora