6 February 2012

late afternoon

the quiet fields are covered in flowers despite the freezing mornings and cold nights. these images were captured in late afternoon today, sometime between 5:30 and 6:00 pm, just as the day was turning into night. I have been thinking of how many of you are surprised by the contrast of what is my reality and your own realities covered on ice and snow in so many other places in the world, some pretty close to home. I live in a place where it never snows ... it is cold and very damp instead! millions of years ago this place, a lowland, was a riverbed and water doesn't run very deep. although temperatures have reached below zero (-2ºC or -3ºC) at night in the last few days, the timid winter sun smiles to the flowers during the day and quickly melts the frost left by the night. I feel happy because of that! :)

enjoy a good evening or day wherever you are! *
tenham uma boa noite! *